Turfing Projects

Turfing Projects

Project: replace a border lawn

We were asked to replace a border lawn at the front of the house. 

We removed the existing turf and underlying rubble and stones. Then rotovated and levelled the entire area. New soil added ready for the turf. Fertiliser applied. New lawn laid.

Regular watering will ensure the lawn looks its best.

new lawn laid
new lawn laid

Project: replace a lawn damaged by leatherjackets

This lawn has been badly damaged by leatherjackets.

Leatherjackets are the larvae of crane flies, better known as daddy long-legs. They damage lawns by eating the grass roots. They are often more numerous after a wet autumn. The damp conditions favour survival of eggs and larvae.

lawn damaged by leatherjackets
leatherjackets found in the lawn
soil prepared for the turf
newly laid lawn

Project: a new lawn so I can enjoy the view!

garden needs a new lawn
new lawn

After all the completion of all our projects we recommend our all year-round lawn care and maintenance plan to keep the lawn looking its best.

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